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Prayer Requests From Bruno and Kathleen Soucy in Latin America

Please pray for: 

  • For our travels to the DR, Cuba as well as El Salvador, and within Guatemala as we spend time with partners, churches and their communities. 
  • For our colleague Byron Velasquez as he plans and accompanies SENT teams in our region and for the churches that will host the Canadian visitors, that they will be encouraged. 
  • For the SENT participants coming to Latin American and the Caribbean, for open hearts and minds. 
  • For Kathryn Scott, our newest colleague as she continues to learn Spanish and envision her role. 
  • For our colleagues in Bolivia, Tim and Kallie Hutton as they serve the churches in very practical ways. 
  • For Bill Dyck as he connects both virtually and in person with church leaders, to have impact in their lives and ministry.