Meal preparation, serving, and clean-up
Typically, Prime Time relies on recruiting groups of volunteers – Life Groups, Church Boards, etc. – to help with Prime Time supper preparation, serving, and clean-up. Perhaps your Life Group, or some other group you belong to, would like to serve in this way. These teams should arrive when the program starts, do all preparations, and be ready to serve supper once the one-hour study time is over. If more meal prep time is needed, arrangements can be made to get into the building earlier. Preparing and serving food according to Public Health regulations is expected – i.e., wearing of hairnets and gloves and masks, and avoiding cross-contamination between raw and cooked food, and clean and dirty dishes. After supper, the team then cleans-up: Dishes need to be washed and put away, tables and chairs need to be cleared, washed and rearranged. Training for the Mission’s industrial dishwasher will be provided, if needed.